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Math sense is common sense – living, earthy, personal

Math Sense is Common Sense - Eliminate need for Junior, High and middle school math tutor

Math sense is innate and organic – a deeply personal facet of our common sense that we constantly use, usually subconsciously, to navigate our daily lives. It's fascinating how the roots of math – the most universal of human traits – lie in our day-to-day observations and deductions. Math sense isn't a well-structured body of knowledge, rather, it's the embodiment of everyday reasoning and logic.

The beauty of math lies in its simplicity, purity, and universality. All 'branches' of math, including arithmetic, algebra, statistics, geometry, calculus, and more, fundamentally relate to our innate sense of rationality. Math is rigidly hierarchical in its reasoning – and that's its beauty. To appreciate math, we just need a keen and present mind.

Consider how naturally we categorize and organize things. A stack of banknotes sorted by denomination isn't just convenient – it reflects our understanding of quantities as packets of different denominations. We inherently grasp the mathematical concept that 345 is made up of 3 hundreds, 4 tens, and 5 ones.

Similarly, kids intuitively learn addition by visualizing and counting physical objects. School math abstracts this to formulas, but the foundation lies in our instinctive understanding. Even the idea of mathematical operations like division is intuitive. Consider how easy it is to visualize dividing eight apples into sixteen halves.

Math sense pervades our lives. To understand this, compare 2 sets of 5 pencils to 5 sets of 2 pencils. They both result in 10 pencils, but visually and contextually, they're different situations. This instinctive understanding illustrates that math isn't about rote learning, but about contextual understanding.

Algebra, too, is quite ordinary in our daily lives. We constantly calculate costs and prices without realizing we're solving algebraic equations. The computation may seem challenging, but the underlying concept is within our grasp.

The understanding of percentages, a concept often seen as daunting, is also quite commonplace. We inherently understand the relationships and proportions expressed in percentages. We instinctively comprehend geometrical concepts like area, perimeter, and volume, even if we may not use those exact terms in our daily lives.

We even grasp data representation in the form of graphs and charts. These are ubiquitous in our lives, and we interpret them without any formal training. The idea of averages, modes, and medians are part of our everyday conversations.

Probability, too, is a common concept, evident when we predict the likelihood of events based on past experiences. Even calculus, with its focus on changing quantities and the relationship between variables, has roots in our routine experiences.

In essence, our minds are mathematically wired. Our education should embrace this innate mathematical sensibility, leveraging it to make learning math a joyous journey. This recognition and nurturing of our inherent mathematical intelligence could revolutionize how we teach and learn math, making it an engaging and inclusive endeavor. There would be no need for Junior, high or Middle school Math Tutors at all.

Remember, math is not a distant, abstract concept - it's in the way we think, reason, and understand the world around us. We are all, at heart, mathematicians.


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